Sources of Waste Heat

Highline Electric Association in Northeastern Colorado: 4 MW of pollution free, renewable power from waste heat from a pipeline compressor station
Some of the market sectors with attractiveness for waste heat recovery include:
- Gas pipeline compressor stations
- Oil and gas extraction
- Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
- Cement plants
- Chemical plants
- Ethanol plants
- Pulp and paper mills
- Steel and metal manufacturing and refineries
- Glass manufacturing and melting
- Incinerators
- Brick manufacturing
- Artificial synthetic fibers, rubber, and resin manufacturing
At a particular industrial site, some of the potential sources of waste heat include:
- Boilers
- Process heaters
- Furnaces, ovens, or kilns
- Flares
- Conductive, convective, and radiative losses from hot equipment surfaces
- Conductive, convective, and radiative losses from heated product streams
- Hot combustion gases otherwise discharged to the atmosphere
- Natural gas pipeline compressor
- Other natural gas-fired turbines or oil-fired turbines
- Reciprocating engine exhaust
- Cooling water from furnaces , air compressors, and internal combustion engines
Project Profile of a Waste Heat Recovery System: