Home About Clean Energy Waste Heat Recovery Further Resources
Further Resources - Recycled Energy Adds Jobs (Albuquerque Journal, 2010, PDF 2 pgs)
This editorial introduces the benefits and potential of recycled energy for the manufacturing sector, with a particular focus on the job creation and cost reduction attributes that strengthen New Mexico's industrial sector. - Heat Is Power (Trade coalition materials, 2011)
This coalition of waste heat recovery innovators is spearheading a national effort to highlight the vast opportunity to produce zero-emission electricity by reusing wasted thermal energy from industrial plants. The blog is particularly good for new Waste Heat news and information. - Waste Heat Recovery: Technology and Opportunities in U.S. Industry (DOE, 2008, PDF, 112 pgs)
This report investigates industrial waste heat recovery practices, opportunities, and barriers in order to identify technology research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) needed to enable further recovery of industrial waste heat losses. - An Overview of Industrial Waste Heat Recovery Technologies for Moderate Temperatures Less Than 1000˚F (DOE Northwest CHP Technical Assistance Partnership, 2009, PDF, 10 pgs)
- Waste Energy Recovery Opportunities for Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines (ICF for INGAA, 2008, PDF, 30 pgs)
This report summarizes an analysis of three waste energy recovery opportunities applicable to the interstate natural gas pipeline system and also evaluates the current status of pipeline energy recovery projects in the U.S. - The Case for Gray Power (The Nation via Recycled Energy Development, 2010)
This article explains how waste heat recovery strengthens each state's industrial base, is economically advantageous to the state, and allows the industrial sector to actually profit from clean energy regulations. - Fourth Biennial Waste Heat-To-Power Generation Workshop (Chicago, IL, 2010)
  Workshop Program   Agenda   Presentations   Presenter Bios   Plant Tour Information - Third Annual Waste Heat-To-Power Generation Workshop (Houston, TX, 2007)
- Second Annual Waste Heat-To-Power Generation Workshop (Irvine, CA, 2006)
- Waste Heat-To-Power Generation Workshop (Irvine, CA, 2005)